The HSV2 DNA Quantitation (QT) Real-Time PCR kit coded HSV2DNAQT.CE is intended for the quantitative detection of Human herpes simplex virus 2 DNA in human plasma and CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) with a simultaneous control of the extraction/amplification reaction through an Internal Control (IC).
The kit has been adapted for the use on the Real-Time Thermacyclers and ABI 7500 Sequence Detection System® (Software SDS version 1.3.1, Applied Biosystems™*), MX3000P (Software MxPro version 4.01, Stratagene™***) and CFX96 (Software CFX manager version 1.7, Biorad™**).
HSV-2 is a member of the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common and the seroprevalence in adults varies between 10 and 25% for HSV-2. HSV infection in immunocompetent individuals normally does not cause major health problems, HSV-2 is commonly associated with genital herpes. HSV reactivation in the central nervous system can occur and might cause a wide range of clinical symptoms from mild meningitis (Mollaret’s) to severe encephalitis with a mortality rate of up to 70% in the absence of therapy. HSV-1 and HSV-2 differ in their behaviour in the central nervous system (CNS). HSV-2 is associated with meningitis, either during primary infections or accompanying clinical and sub-clinical genital reactivations. Primary infection of neonates or reactivation of HSV in immunocompromised individuals can be associated with a higher incidence of meningitis, severe encephalitis, and dangerous eye infections.
The HSV2DNAQT.CE Kit is based on a Real Time chemistry which uses specific Primers and Probes.
HSV2 DNA, recovered from the biological sample under investigation through an extraction step, and amplified using Real Time amplification system. The amplified product, is detected and quantified, against the standard curve using a fluorescent reporter dye probe specific for a HSV2 unique genomic sequence.
Heterologous Internal Control (IC) serves as an extraction/amplification control for each individually processed specimen aiming to the identification of reaction inhibitors.
A standard curve is supplied allowing the determination of the viral load.